Hummus And Roast Veggies
Sold: 185
View: 348
99999 products in stock
Product Id: PS02
110,000 đ
Choice Of Hummus (Plain Or Roasted Red Pepper), Roasted Zucchini, Eggplant, Pepper, Mushrooms, Sundried Tomatoes And Olive Oil
Bacon 35,000đ -
Basil 8,000đ -
Butter 15,000đ -
Calabrian Chili Sauce 25,000đ -
Capers 8,000đ -
Cheddar 15,000đ -
Chives 5,000đ -
Chives Schmear 30,000đ -
Cream Cheese 25,000đ -
Dill 5,000đ -
Dill Pickles 8,000đ -
Fried Egg (1 egg) 15,000đ -
Gravlax 75,000đ -
Ham (Prosciutto) 45,000đ -
Ham (Smoked, Cooked) 30,000đ -
Honey 5,000đ -
Hummus (Plain) 25,000đ -
Hummus (Roast Red Pepper) 30,000đ -
Hot Peppers (Pickled) 5,000đ -
Lettuce 10,000đ -
Onion 5,000đ -
Pineapple Jam 30,000đ -
Raspberry Schmear 35,000đ -
Saigon Charlie's Hot Sauce (20 ml) 10,000đ -
Sausage 30,000đ -
Scrambled Eggs (2 eggs) 30,000đ -
Smoked Salmon 75,000đ -
Smoked Salmon Schmear 40,000đ -
Strawberry Jam 30,000đ -
Strawberry Schmear 35,000đ -
Sundried Tomato 25,000đ -
Sundried Tomato and Basil Schmear 35,000đ -
Tomato 8,000đ -
Tzatziki 25,000đ -
Falafel (4 pieces) 45,000đ -
Rocket salad 8,000đ -
Avocado 38,000đ -
Chicken 50,000đ
Sauce Pita:
Tzatziki -
Hummus (roast red pepper) -
Hummus (plain)
Hummus (Required):
Plain -
Roast Red Pepper
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